I have advanced training in the modalities of CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation, SomatoEmotional Release, Reiki, and Meditation and Visualization Practices for pain reduction.
My practice consists of synthesizing a number of modalities to help people move comfortably with ease and grace
My Clients
My clients have ranged in age and background from a 16-year-old ballerina suffering from acute lower back pain to a 94-year-old man working to overcome digestive issues. The common factor uniting this diverse group of people has been their desire to free themselves from pain and pro-actively enhance their quality of life.
My Approach
I view my work with people – whether performing manual therapy or physical training – as a collaboration that builds upon open communication and active listening. Communication and listening take place in many ways. First, I listen to my clients speak about their physical concerns and their challenges. Then, I listen to what their tissues are saying, what they are asking for. Based on this conversation, I then tailor the work we do together to fit that individual client’s needs.
Ultimately, my clients want to improve their quality of life and, as much as possible, take charge of their own well-being. My goal is to empower them to do that.
Ultimately, my clients want to improve their quality of life and, as much as possible, take charge of their own well-being. My goal is to empower them to do that. Depending on the individual, I may start my client on a routine of regular manual therapy and/or physical training, but this is all done with the aim of enabling the client to minimize their reliance on external care. In many cases, a client might eventually only return to me for occasional maintenance.
My Background and Skills
Twenty years ago, I was a wreck. 40+ hours a week at a sedentary job in a high-stress environment left me suffering from chronic back pain, bad posture, muscular tension and an all-pervasive sense of fatigue. After numerous stop-and-start attempts to work out at the gym on my own, I discovered a Gyrotonic trainer who helped me develop core strength, body awareness, coordination and balance. I, who had never enjoyed exercise, found myself actively enjoying moving! After a few years, I became a certified trainer in both Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis exercise.
I have since helped a number of clients move out of pain and recover from injuries, but I also found that many people had long-standing restrictions in their tissues that stubbornly refused to let go.
I have since helped a number of clients move out of pain and recover from injuries, but I also found that many people had long-standing restrictions in their tissues that stubbornly refused to let go. I therefore began studying massage and bodywork and ultimately found myself drawn to the manual therapies of CranioSacral Therapy, Somatoemotional Release, Visceral Manipulation, and Neural Manipulation.
Gyrotonic exercise and the above manual therapies are activities that complement one another. Sometimes, exercise alone is not enough if a person’s system is locked in a pattern of tension, which can be occurring at a neurological, biomechanical, fascial or somatoemotional level. Likewise, manual therapy alone does not help a person change movement patterns that are feeding into or perpetuating discomfort. Thus, the work my clients and I do together is often some combination of manual therapy and movement training, depending on the client’s needs.
- Certified CranioSacral Therapist (CST‑T) through The Upledger Institute
- Certified Massage Therapist through California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC # 57142)
- Member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP)
- Member of International Alliance of Healthcare Professionals (IAHP)