Empowered Movement

is an Empowered Life

Andrea Lee, Manual Therapist,

has helped people with a number of conditions including:

-Chron­ic low back pain
‑Chron­ic neck and shoul­der pain
‑Sciatica/Piriformis Syndrome
‑Rota­tor Cuff injury
‑TMJ Dysfunction
‑Stress and Anxiety
‑Diges­tive Issues
‑Post-Con­cus­sion symptoms
‑Bal­ance issues/Vertigo
‑Mobil­i­ty and Pos­ture issues

My Mission and Methods

I work with the neu­ro­log­i­cal, fas­cial and mus­cu­lar sys­tems to help peo­ple resolve the restric­tions that lim­it their engage­ment with life.  Restric­tions can range in degree from some­thing mild, such as a sense of stiff­ness or the feel­ing that one could be mov­ing with greater flu­id­i­ty, to the severe, such as acute or chron­ic pain. Whether mild or severe, these restric­tions can be root­ed in a num­ber of con­tribut­ing fac­tors like move­ment and pos­tur­al pat­terns, a sen­si­tized ner­vous sys­tem or soma­toe­mo­tion­al respons­es to a trau­mat­ic event. Using a com­bi­na­tion of skills draw­ing from Cran­ioSacral Ther­a­py, Vis­cer­al Manip­u­la­tion, Neur­al Manip­u­la­tion and GYROTONIC® Move­ment Train­ing, it is my mis­sion to help peo­ple build health­i­er rela­tion­ships with their bod­ies, minds and spirits.

If you need relief from pain

let a cheer­ful mind, heal­ing touch, and flu­id move­ment be your therapist.


My Process

The journey we will have together


Dis­cov­er­ing the issues you have


A prop­er approach


Man­u­al ther­a­py and exer­cis­es cus­tomized for you


Estab­lish­ing greater well-being