Andrea Lee, Manual Therapist,
has helped people with a number of conditions including:
-Chronic low back pain
‑Chronic neck and shoulder pain
‑Sciatica/Piriformis Syndrome
‑Rotator Cuff injury
‑TMJ Dysfunction
‑Stress and Anxiety
‑Digestive Issues
‑Post-Concussion symptoms
‑Balance issues/Vertigo
‑Mobility and Posture issues
My Mission and Methods
I work with the neurological, fascial and muscular systems to help people resolve the restrictions that limit their engagement with life. Restrictions can range in degree from something mild, such as a sense of stiffness or the feeling that one could be moving with greater fluidity, to the severe, such as acute or chronic pain. Whether mild or severe, these restrictions can be rooted in a number of contributing factors like movement and postural patterns, a sensitized nervous system or somatoemotional responses to a traumatic event. Using a combination of skills drawing from CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation and GYROTONIC® Movement Training, it is my mission to help people build healthier relationships with their bodies, minds and spirits.
If you need relief from pain
let a cheerful mind, healing touch, and fluid movement be your therapist.
My Process
The journey we will have together
Discovering the issues you have
A proper approach
Manual therapy and exercises customized for you
Establishing greater well-being